Symptoms and treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

In the case of lumbar osteochondrosis, the symptoms and treatment of the disease will be further discussed. A person's mobility is limited and he has the ability to live a habitual lifestyle. Almost half of all patients feel pain in this part of the back. According to public opinion survey results, lumbar osteochondrosis is second only to respiratory diseases.

If until recently, age-related degenerative processes were still considered to be the main cause of pathology, then more factors that cause the disease have now been clarified. Before starting treatment, you need to understand what is lumbar osteochondrosis.

The disease is a pathological change of the intervertebral disc, accompanied by ligament dystrophy and destruction of the vertebral body. The waist area suffers the most, because when lifting weights in a sitting position, the waist bears a huge load.

Signs of lumbar osteochondrosis are increasingly appearing in young people under 30. As complications are rife with disability and paralysis of the lower limbs, the disease cannot be started.

The main symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis

Lumbar osteochondrosis is a deformed pathology, in most cases a natural aging process. However, a lot of physical exercise on the spine, metabolic disorders, abuse of harmful products and alcohol will accelerate this process.

The first signs of pathology do not appear immediately, so treatment does not always start on time. The symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis are as follows:

  • Pain is usually painful in the first stage of disease development, and it will be more severe in 2-3 stages (any sudden movement will increase the discomfort and disappear when resting in bed);
  • Accompanied by osteochondrosis, a sense of weakness in the legs (the lower extremity tendon reflex disappears, which can be clearly seen in the neurological examination);
  • The curvature of the waist;
  • Incomplete urination and defecation (depending on where the spinal cord is compressed).
Symptoms of osteochondrosis

can also determine other symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis: numbness in the lower back, dry and peeling skin, darkening of the shadow (turning to blue). Sweating increases in the hip area. One of the signs of lumbar osteochondrosis in men is thought to be erectile dysfunction.

The severity of symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis varies. Some manifestations can be combined into syndromes.

syndrome Features
Ischemia Here, signs of lumbar osteochondrosis appeared due to damaged blood vessels. The arteries begin to spasm (this process will persist over time). This condition is characterized by muscle pain in the calf and thigh when walking. If you pinch and spasm blood vessels for a long time, the nutrition and function of pelvic organs will be disturbed. In women, pathology can cause menstrual cycle, pregnancy ability, urination problems
Vertebrae It is characterized by varying intensity and position. It is produced when the lumbar spine tilts and lifts heavy objects after being loaded. If a herniated disc occurs, the person’s legs may lose sensitivity. In this case, spine changes occur: posture changes, people shrinking, gait problems
root The vertebrae become unstable, compressing not only the nerve roots, but also the blood vessels. The symptom of this syndrome is pain in the extruded area at the end. The discomfort spreads to the hips and legs. A person’s muscle tone increases and he is forced to change his gait. In the absence of treatment for osteochondrosis, nerve roots become inflamed. This condition is accompanied by edema of body tissues around the spine. The blood began to stagnate and the process of intoxication began. When suffering from neurological syndrome, pain is also observed in other joints. In addition to these symptoms, the feeling of "chicken skin bump" may also appear in the lower back (lower back). In particularly difficult situations, the patient can no longer move independently

People with lumbar osteochondrosis need a comprehensive examination to find out the severity of the disease and determine the treatment plan.

Determine the treatment plan

Degree of lumbar osteochondrosis

Lumbar osteochondrosis gradually developed. Pathological progression has the following stages:

  1. First of all. In this case, the nucleus pulposus located inside the disc begins to move and change. Cracks appeared on the fiber ring. Inflammation of the nerve root is a sign of back pain. At this stage of osteochondrosis, discomfort is still a natural local symptom, that is, discomfort is only felt in the area of ​​the damaged intervertebral disc. Sometimes it is low back pain, but in the first stage of development, dull pain often persists. After the lumbar spine is loaded, the discomfort of osteochondrosis increases.
  2. Second. The destruction of the fiber ring occurs here. The mobility of the injured vertebrae increases, and the muscle tissue becomes tense. The distance between them decreases and they can move relatively. It becomes more difficult for a person to move because he will quickly become tired and feel severe discomfort in the waist. The pain spread to the thighs, legs and buttocks. People sweat more.
  3. Third. At this stage of the disease, the pain has increased many times due to the rupture of the annulus. In this case, the nucleus pulposus leaves its position to form a hernia. When the tissues and nerve roots are compressed, the patient will feel severe pain and low back pain. The discomfort becomes persistent and unbearable. The work of internal organs was disrupted.
  4. Fourth. The spine is deformed. It is difficult for a person to move, but the pain symptoms become less obvious. This does not mean that pathology is no longer developing. This state is a signal that a person is about to sit in a wheelchair. In addition, in the area of ​​the damaged intervertebral disc, osteophytes will grow, and even worsen the condition, causing muscle atrophy.

If the development of the disease cannot be controlled and treatment is not started on time, the vertebrae will simply collapse and recover without danger, and the operation will be difficult.

What to do when the disease gets worse

Lumbar osteochondrosis is a difficult disease and should not be taken to the final stage. It will quickly become a chronic disease, because even the most effective treatment can only stop or slow the development of the pathology.

If the back pain is severe and the person is unable to move normally, it indicates that the pathological process has deteriorated. In most cases, it occurs in patients who do not follow the doctor's advice. If the condition gets worse, the following rules should be followed:

  1. It is best to give up physical activity completely in order to restore normal body functions. It is best to lie in a comfortable position that will not cause discomfort. If the patient uses a hard mattress, that is a good thing, because in this case, the body (especially the waist area) will not sag.
  2. In order to minimize the burden on the back, one can use a semi-rigid corset. It will limit sudden movements.
  3. To reduce the pain of osteochondrosis, you need to slowly bend your leg at the affected knee. This will help relieve muscle tension and relieve pressure on nerve tissue.
  4. In difficult situations, the applicator can be used, but it must be used with care. This procedure is performed twice a day for 30 minutes.
  5. After the massage, normal blood circulation and muscle tone should be gradually restored, and anti-inflammatory ointment should be used.
Exacerbate the role of disease

It is impossible to heat the affected area on the first day after the exacerbation. Use dry heat only on the second day after the peak of pain. Otherwise, tissue edema will increase and the condition of osteochondrosis patients will worsen.

Disease diagnosis

Lumbar osteochondrosis requires serious methods and complex treatments. If the patient takes the right medicine and performs the exercise prescribed by the doctor, it will become easier for the patient. To choose a treatment plan, the patient needs to be checked. The following diagnostic methods stand out:

  1. X-rays. If the waist joint is affected, X-ray inspection is the main inspection method. The picture was taken in several projections. On it, you can see the injury of the intervertebral disc and the state of the spinal canal. Each projection must be perpendicular to the previous projection.
  2. MRI or CT. The proposed procedure helps to more accurately determine which factors trigger the development of osteochondrosis, and under what circumstances not only the vertebrae, but also soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerve endings. At the same time, the person will not feel any discomfort.
  3. Palpate the damaged area and perform an external examination of neurological examination.

Only a comprehensive diagnosis can determine whether a person has truly developed osteochondrosis.

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

If the treatment of lumbar spine chondropathy is not performed, the patient will have complications such as complications, herniation, spondyloarthritis, hernia, sciatic nerve inflammation, spinal stenosis, and pelvic organ dysfunction. The person also started to walk, he suffered from leg palsy and paralysis.

The treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis sets many tasks for itself. First, the inflammation that causes the pain of this disease must be eliminated. Naturally, you need to stop the discomfort by yourself and strengthen the muscles of the waist and lower limbs.

This therapy should relieve swelling and soft tissue spasms. Means and procedures are prescribed for patients to improve organ function, regulate blood circulation, restore metabolic processes in the body, and expand the range of exercise. Since the patient’s lumbar osteochondrosis will be treated for a long time, you need to choose the method that works well and has the least harm. Use medication, alternative therapies, physical therapy, LF and other methods.


In advanced cases, when the disease progresses to the final stage, lumbar osteochondrosis requires surgical intervention. In the case of complications that can impair organ function (vertebral hernia), the help of a surgeon is needed. If there is a threat of lower extremity paralysis, perform emergency surgery.

The most effective intervention is to delete the damaged disk. Microsurgical methods for the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis using endoscopes are also common. The process is less traumatic to the patient and allows him to recover in the shortest time.

Physical Therapy

For lumbar osteochondrosis, physical therapy can be used to eliminate symptoms (different treatments are used). Useful:

  • Seepage current;
  • Electrophoresis and vocalization;
  • Magnetic therapy;
  • Laser treatment.

Physiotherapy will gain the greatest benefit in combination therapy and drug combination therapy.

Physiotherapy practice

If the exercise therapy prescribed by the doctor is not performed, lumbar osteochondrosis will not be effective. The purpose of all exercises is to improve the mobility of the lower back, strengthen the muscle corset and increase the stability of the spine. The complex must be executed regularly.

Doctors usually prescribe the following exercise methods: bending in different directions, standing upright, walking back and forth with the limbs, and tension in the abdominal muscles when lying on the back.



can only be executed after exacerbation or remission. Through this procedure, you can not only relax the spastic muscles, but also strengthen them. Massage after bathing is more effective. It should be done by experts using the correct technique: stroking, rubbing. If there is an open wound on the back and it is diagnosed with skin disease or blood circulation problems, the operation should not be performed.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy can accomplish the same tasks as massage, but uses slightly different techniques. You cannot entrust your spine to an amateur. The procedure requires experienced experts and will not cause harm.


When treating lumbar osteochondrosis, you cannot give up drugs. When choosing them, the overall condition of the body and the stage of disease development are crucial. In order to combat osteochondrosis, there are the most effective drugs:


  1. NSAIDs-These drugs can eliminate the inflammation itself and the pain that comes with it. They relieve swelling and normalize body temperature.
  2. Muscle relaxants-these drugs are prescribed by a doctor and are only used when the NSAID fails. Muscle relaxants help relieve muscle spasms.
  3. Cartilage protectors-they keep the cartilage in good condition without breaking it down. But they are only effective when the layer is not completely erased.
  4. Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. In the most senior case, they are appointed last.
  5. Multivitamins and B vitamins-the proposed preparation helps to improve the function of NS.
  6. Antidepressants (to restore the emotional background of the patient).
  7. Use hydrocortisone to block neocaine. They are placed directly inside the back where the pain occurs. Blockades are rarely performed because they cause muscle atrophy.
  8. A preparation that improves blood circulation and microcirculation.

The topical medicine-ointment-has a good effect and minimal side effects. If the patient uses folk remedies for treatment, he must continue to take the medicine.

Prevent lumbar osteochondrosis

If you follow simple prevention rules, you can prevent lumbar osteochondrosis:

  • Avoid hypothermia and infection;
  • Do not lift heavy objects;
  • The bag can be placed on both shoulders alternately;
  • Follow drinking habits and eat correctly;
  • Keep your weight within the normal range;
  • Timely treatment of congenital or acquired bone diseases;
  • Go swimming every day, exercise more, and perform comprehensive gymnastics on the waist area;
  • Receive regular medical examinations.

Your own basic medical care will help avoid the complications of lumbar osteochondrosis, many of which are difficult to cope with.